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Assembly Manual

Mod Media Furniture

Let's get started!

Narrow Box


Check if you've received all parts without any damages. If so, you’re good to go! Remember to assemble on a blanket, carpet or to use our cardboard.



Take the N1 part and place it on a blanket. Then place N4 in a way that the screw hides in the connectors' holes.



Now connect part N5 that same way.



Flip the box and place it on its front. Place the part N2 in a way that screws hide in the connectors' holes. Push it down to complete the assembly.



Flip the box back. Place it again on the bottom. Now assemble the N3part in the same way as before. Place connectors together and push it to the ground until it's even with the top.



Let's get started!

Open Box


Check if you've received all pieces without any damages. If so, you’re good to go! Remember to assemble on a blanket, carpet or to use our cardboard.



Place the O4 part in the way that screws hide in connectors' holes. Pull it until it's even with the bottom part.



Now connect the O5 part that same way.



Flip the box and place it on its front. Place the O2 part in a way that screws hide in connectors' holes. Push it down to complete the assembly.



Flip the box back. Place part O3 in a way that screws hide in connectors' holes. Push it down to complete the assembly.



To assemble the drawer connect the D7 and D8 part with the sides of the D6 part (if necessary, put pressure to connect them tightly). Place D9 part in a way that screws meets the connectors’ holes. Push it down until it’s even with the other edges.



Let's get started!

Full Box


Check if you've received box without any damages. If so, you’re good to go! Remember to assemble on a blanket, carpet or to use our cardboard.



Connect the F4 part by placing the connectors on the screws in the F1 part. Pull it until its even with the bottom part.



Now connect the F5 part the same way.



Flip your box and place it on its front. Place the F2 part in a way that the screws meets connectors' holes. Push it down until part is even with the side walls' edges.



Flip the box back. Mount the F3 part by locating screws in connectors' holes. Push it down until it's even with the side walls' edges.



Slide the F6 part in.



To mount the F7 part press the hinges together until you hear a click sound.


Make sure that the hinger is open before you assemble it.




Let's get started!

Drawers Box


Check if you've received all 3 boxes without any damages. If so, you’re good to go! Remember to assemble on a blanket, carpet or to use our cardboard.



Connect the D4 part by hiding the screws in the connectors' holes of the D1 part. Pull it towards you until it's even with the bottom part.



Now connect the D5 part that same way.



Flip the box and place it on its front. Place the D2 part in a way that the screws hide in connectors' holes. Push it down until it's even with the side walls' edges.



Flip the box back. Mount the D3 part by locating screws in connectors' holes until it's even with the bottom part.



To assemble the drawer connect the D7 and D8 part with dowels and put pressure if necessary to connect them tightly. Place D9 part in a way that screws meets connectors' holes. Push it down until it's even with the other edges.



Now connect the D10 part that same way.



Pull the sliders as far as possible and place the drawer evenly on both of them. Push it inside till you hear a click and the front is fully hidden. To remove the drawer from slides just lay your fingers on the locking device and pull it.



Let's get started!



Check if you've received all pieces without any damages. If so, you’re good to go! Remember to assemble on a blanket, carpet or to use our cardboard.



Place the bottom on the floor so the screw holes are facing up. Place the frame on the bottom so the holes align with each other and screw the parts together using 9 screws and the Allen key.



Now screw the legs into the frame.



During the next steps use the hammer (to place the walls in correct position) and the screwdriver (to adjust the screws if necessary). To avoid damaging the furniture, please remember to secure the hammer with a cloth.


If you struggle to mount the wall - loosen the screw. If the mounted wall is shaky - tighten the screw.

Flip the C1 part and place it on it's legs. Take the C3 part and place it in a way that the screw hides in the connectors hole. Connect part C4 that same way.



Place boxes in your favorite order. Place the boxes bottoms pins in the C1 holes.



Now place the C2 part in a way that the screw hides in the connectors hole. Pull it towards you until it's even with the side parts.



You’ve done it! What’s next?

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