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Assembly Manual

Atik Bedside Table

Check if you've received your box without any damages. If so, you’re good to go! Remember to assemble on a blanket, carpet or to use our cardboard.



During the next steps use the hammer (to place the elements in correct position) and the screwdriver (to adjust the screws if necessary). To avoid damaging the furniture, please remember to secure the hammer with a cloth.



Take the A1 part and place it on covered surface. Assemble A2 part in a way that the screws meet the connectors' holes. Then push it until the edges are even with the top.



Mount the A3 part in a way that screws meet the connectors' holes. Also, the dowels must fit into the A2 part holes.



Assembly the A4 part the same way.



Flip the table. Now it's time for the A5 part. Place it in a way that the screws meet the connectors holes, then push it toward the A2 part. All edges should be even.



Mount the last part the same way.



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